Sunday, November 30, 2014

Wooplex Development Update

We missed previous week development update. We are really sorry about that.

But still we have something cool to share with you!

We are one step closer to the first demo. It is right the time to show you something from it! :)

Remember that first level sketch? (hint : Who am I?)

Wooplex and his three minions are now alive!
Making the world around them better!

From sketches to levels. That's how it goes :)


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Drawbacks of RGB. Wooplex Development Update.

We are all used to RGB color scheme. It seems very logical from the first sight. But this week we ran into a little problem with that. And the solution for the problem was quite phenomenal for us.


Imagine that you have a game world originally painted in blue color scheme. Later you decide to create another world that is different and the main color there is red. Is there an easy way of doing this reusing old graphics to have it in different color that feels the same as original one? Of course, you can ask artist to make another set of textures. That means a lot of duplicated textures in different colors, more work for artists, almost no flexibility at runtime and bigger game size.

So where is the problem?
Any pixel in RGB is represented as Red, Green and Blue respectively. Blue color is (0, 0, 1). Pink color is (1, 0, 1). Changing from blue to pink is easy (0, 0, 1) + (1, 0, 0) = (1, 0, 1). That's fine. But almost always textures have different variations of blue color and you cannot just simply add (1, 0, 0) to the whole picture. (blacks will become blue too! (0, 0, 0) + (1, 0, 0) = (1, 0, 0) )

Use HSV(Hue-Saturation-Value)! When you want to change the color of any texture, convert the color of each pixel to HSV, modify Hue value, convert it back to RGB and put it on the screen.

The idea is that the Hue value is like a base color of your image. When you change it, Saturation and Value (level of black) remain the same. There you go. You have a texture that is the same feels the same as original but in different color!

Watch the video!

HSV model was formally described by Alvy Ray Smith the cofounder of pixar in the August 1978.

WARNING: Shaders ahead.

Here is the example of the shader that uses this method.

half4 frag (v2f i) : COLOR{        
   float4 textureColor = tex2D (_MainTex, i.uv);
   float4 resultedColor;
   float3 textureColorInHSV =

   rgb_to_hsv(float3(textureColor.r, textureColor.g, textureColor.b));

   textureColorInHSV.r = ColorHue; 
   resultedColor = hsv_to_rgb(textureColorInHSV);
   return resultedColor;

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Wooplex Development Update

Previous week was all about the particles. We added some cool looking effects to the game and can't wait to share it with you when the demo is ready!

Sometimes testing goes wild and that is right the time when cool things happen!

26 k particles is a lot right? :D Just enough to make it realtime!

Check it!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Who am I? Try to guess! ;)

Trying ourselves as artists. Realized that in coding we are much better :D

Meet Wooplex!

New 2D physics puzzle game for mobile devices.
Elaborated by two indie game developers from Ukraine.

From today we go public!

We are going to publish latest development news every Saturday.